Council the European Union (Justice and Home Affairs) JHA 27/ 28 April 2006
LUXEMBOURG Today and the day of tomorrow, the Council the European Union (Justice and Home Affairs) is meeting with the following provisional agenda:
View ArticleWorld Bank Research: Selection of migrants, income of migrants, gains from mig
How important is selection? Experimental versus non-experimental measures of the income gains from migration WASHINGTON - Measuring the gain in income from migration is complicated by non-random...
View ArticleUK: Illegal Migrants: proposals for a common EU returns policy , detention centr
LONDON The return of illegal migrants is a topic never far from the headlines. This is a problem which, to a greater or lesser extent, affects all Member States of the EU. In this report the a...
View ArticleMigration & Development: United Nations High-Level Dialogue, Kofi Anan
NEW YORK On 6 June 2006, UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan presented the report on migration and development which will be the starting point of the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and...
View ArticleUNHCR: World Refugee Day, Angelina Jolie & António Guterres
GENEVA - June 19, 2006 UNHCR marks World Refugee Day on Tuesday June 20 with a simple, powerful message for the millions of refugees and displaced people around the globe never give up hope.
View ArticleUNHCR: Maritime conventions amended to facilitate search-and-rescue at sea
GENEVA, June 30 (UNHCR) The exodus of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese from their country in flimsy boats during the 1970s and 1980s focused world attention on the plight of so-called "boat...
View ArticleItaly: UNHCR deeply concerned about Lampedusa deportations of Libyans
UNHCR is deeply concerned about yesterday's deportation of some 180 people aboard two flights from the Italian island of Lampedusa to Libya, with an Italian police escort.
View ArticleResearchers package adopted
The package that the Council adopted consists of a Directive which sets out a specific procedure for admitting third country nationals for the purposes of scientific research, and a Recommendation...
View ArticleThe Immigration Act has thoroughly reformed Germanys foreigner law
The Immigration Act, which is essentially made up of the Residence Act (AufenthG) and the Act on the General Freedom of Movement for EU Citizens (Freedom of Movement Act/EU), went into force on 1...
View ArticleFerderal Administrativ Court - Decision 10 C 33.07
The Bundesverwaltungsgericht (BVerwG), which is the Federal Republic of Germany's supreme administrative court, decided that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has to prove the conformity of parts of...
View Article45 Years from the Signing of the Ankara Agreement: EU-Turkey - cooperation...
A passage selected from the speech of Olli Rehn, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement, at the Conference on EC Turkey Association Agreement on 4 November 2008. Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me first thank...
View ArticleThe Commission Proposal to amend the Reception Conditions Directive
Why are there Community rules regulating the reception conditions for asylum-seekers? The Treaty establishing the European Community specifically requested the Council to adopt minimum standards on the...
View ArticleGreece must uphold all asylum-seekers rights
Greece must uphold all asylum-seekers’ rights" says Commissioner Hammarberg in a new report. The situation of asylum seekers in Greece is critical. The authorities must urgently improve the asylum...
View ArticleToward exemptions from the visa requirement for nationals of six countries...
Mutual visa-free travel becomes soon a reality between the European Community and Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Mauritius, Barbados and Seychelles – The Commission approves...
View ArticleEffects of the Soysal decision by the ECJ on the visa process for Turkish...
On 12th September 1963, a Treaty of Association was concluded between the European Economic Community and Turkey and was enshrined in the law of 13th May 1964 . The treaty and the Additional Protocol...
View ArticleGuidelines on free movement and residence rights of EU citizens and their...
Why are Guidelines necessary? Free movement of persons is one of the pillars of the Union and a fundamental right of EU citizens. It brings great benefits for EU citizens, for the Member States and for...
View ArticleEffects of Soysal decision (European Court of Justice) / Visa process Turkish...
Effects of the Soysal decision by the European Court of Justice on the visa process for Turkish citizens in Germany On 12th September 1963, a Treaty of Association was concluded between the European...
View ArticleEffects of the Soysal-judgement on the legal status of Turkish nationals in...
What effects has the judgement to the visa requirements of the Member States? Under normal circumstances, the date of the 1st of January 1973 should also affect countries which became members of the EU...
View ArticleThe EU-Kommission recommends the opening of accession negotiations with Iceland
The European Commission issued today its opinion recommending the opening of accession negotiations with Iceland following the country's application for membership of the European Union. In the...
View ArticleInformation about the Frontex organisation and activities
The primary responsibility for the control of external borders lies with the EU Member States. Frontex was established to coordinate and facilitate this task bringing a European added value.The Agency...
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